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历史书中充满了关于皇冠hg0088正网网址的有趣事实:该县于1792年从梅克伦堡县成立,并以斯蒂芬·卡巴罗斯的名字命名, 北卡罗来纳州立法机构成员和下议院议长. 该地区也是美国第一次淘金热的发源地,[…]

October 19, 2022

历史书中充满了关于皇冠hg0088正网网址的有趣事实:该县于1792年从梅克伦堡县成立,并以斯蒂芬·卡巴罗斯的名字命名, 北卡罗来纳州立法机构成员和下议院议长. 这里也是美国第一次淘金热的发源地,也是纺织品的主要产地之一. “There’s a lot of amazing history here, ” said Ashley sedlakk - prost, Historic Cabarrus协会的总裁兼首席执行官.

Historic Sites


Reed Gold Mine

In 1799, 一个名叫康拉德·里德的12岁男孩在小草甸溪发现了一块17磅重的金块, 这将成为美国历史上第一个有记载的黄金发现. Today, visitors can pan for their own gold, tour restored mine tunnels, view exhibits and equipment on display, 了解这一发现的历史 state historic site in Midland.

Gibson Mill

这座历史悠久的纺织厂建于1899年,当时是第1号工厂. 6 for the Cannon Mills Company. Now, the 656,000平方英尺的磨坊是一个零售和娱乐中心,也是该地区最成功的适应性再利用项目之一.

Eat and drink at locally sourced food hall, Gibson Mill Market; shop for vintage items at The Depot at Gibson Mill, the largest antique mall in the South; order a pint of craft beer at Cabarrus Brewing Company or High Branch Brewing Company; test your aim at the indoor axe throwing range; or enjoy some friendly competition at the board game café.

1876 Cabarrus County Courthouse

位于康科德市中心的法院是“历史保护的光辉典范之一”,” according to Sedlak-Propst.

一个多世纪以来,它一直是该县的司法中心. Now, 法院——结合了希腊复兴风格的设计, 意大利风格和第二帝国建筑风格-是历史卡巴拉斯协会和卡巴拉斯艺术委员会的所在地, and it serves as a museum, live performance venue and rotating art gallery.

Southern Strain Brewing Company

Located in downtown Concord, Southern Strain Brewing 供应小批量精酿啤酒,其前身是一家可追溯到19世纪80年代的纺织厂. Several features from the original mill, including exposed brick, hardwood floors and industrial ceilings, were incorporated into the design. 酒吧间还设有一个原始的双面长凳从康科德车站, Concord’s 1913 train station.


Ashley sedlakk - prost, Historic Cabarrus协会的总裁兼首席执行官

Gem Theatre

The Gem Theatre opened on Dec. 1936年的31日,并继续作为卡纳波利斯市中心的单屏幕剧院运营. 2021年,它庆祝85周年,并被列入国家史迹名录. 这座剧院耗资百万美元进行了翻新,但保留了它的历史魅力和阳台座位,仍然是观看首映电影的热门地点.

“当你想到在皇冠hg0088正网网址经受住时间考验的东西时,那就是宝石剧院,” says Sedlak-Propst.

Swanee Theatre

计划您的访问市中心卡纳波利斯体验宝石与位于几步之遥的第二个历史剧院. 建于1940年,经过修复的斯瓦尼剧院最近重新开放,成为一个音乐和娱乐场所.

73 & Main

In 1932, the building in the heart of downtown Mt. Pleasant operated as a hosiery mill. It was later a post office, 牙科诊所和家具店之前被翻新和重新开放 73 & Main, an upscale restaurant serving farm-to-table fare.

The Inn at Mt. Pleasant

为您的城市之旅增添另一个传奇篇章 The Inn at Mt. Pleasant. Built circa 1920, 这家美丽的住宿加早餐酒店距离市中心的商店仅几步之遥, restaurants and the Eastern Cabarrus Historical Society Museum in the Mount Pleasant Historic District.

 Spooky Sidebar

卡巴拉斯县也有一些隐隐约约的事情:塞德拉克-普罗普斯特指出,据说康科德的斯普林街(Spring Street)上有一只鬼狗,联合街(Union Street)上的约翰·奥戴尔(John O 'Dell)之家在万圣节前后用镇上最恐怖的装饰召唤鬼魂.

two bottles of bourbon
distillery exterior and sign
visitors touring distillery

Want to see some paranormal activity in action? Southern Grace Distilleries, a craft distillery housed in a former prison, hosts the Convicted Spirits of Whiskey Prison这是一次由经验丰富的超自然现象调查员带领的旅行,目的是召唤萦绕在监狱里的鬼魂.

Or, visit on Oct. 2022年27日至30日,在威士忌监狱的万圣节之夜进行一次恐怖的夜间之旅.

What’s In a Name?

当你穿梭于历史建筑和改建建筑之间, consider how some of the cities, 街道和企业的名字来源于以下有趣的事实.


Legend has it that the Scots-Irish and Germans, who settled in separate parts of Cabarrus County, 需要决定中央政府的所在地. There was discord among the groups, 于是斯蒂芬·卡巴罗斯写了一封信——这封信保存在历史卡巴罗斯协会的档案中——要求他们解决分歧. The two groups came together in concordance 这就是为什么这个小镇被称为康科德.

Union Street

穿过康科德的主要街道与小镇同时命名. 这是对苏格兰-爱尔兰人和德国人在解决卡巴鲁斯县县城所在地问题上的“联盟”的认可.

Twenty-Six Acres Brewing

A happening craft brewery in Concord, Twenty-Six Acres Brewing 是根据1796年小镇建立的那块26英亩的土地命名的.

Learn More About Our Communities

虽然这篇文章只触及了卡巴拉斯县整个历史的表面, 组成这个县的每个社区都有更多的东西. From Concord and Kannapolis to Midland, Harrisburg and Mt. Pleasant, learn more about what makes each community so unique.

Information at your fingertips.

Need info on the go? 浏览网上旅游指南,了解更多有关餐厅的详情, attractions, shops, parks, museums and more.

Destination Guide